We’ve started teaching workshops on coding for the web. Our current course is aimed at beginners (there’ll be intermediate and advanced workshops in future). It’s for people who use the web, but want to get under its skin and learn what it takes to create simple websites and web applications.
The Coding For Humans workshop runs next on September 18th at our Lab for the Recently Possible venue (we previously blogged about starting the Lab).
For full details, see L4RP.com/codingforhumans/.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite and the event can be tracked on Lanyrd.
Here’s the lowdown:
“Learn to Code” ~ a one day workshop
Tues 18th September 2012, 9am-5pm at the “Lab for the Recently Possible” (L4RP) in Hove, close to Brighton centre, and 1 hour from London.
Coding is…
…a means of expression and creativity. It’s a satisfying and potent skill, in an ever-increasingly webbified world. Learning to code can increase mental clarity and logical thought, and it is empowering to understand what websites actually are and how they are made.
Whether you have an interest to work in web development or are just a curious bystander of the Web, then here is a chance to spread your wings and learn to code a little. In a single day. Even if you’ve never written or seen a line of code before.
What people are saying
“I was nervous about learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript because I don’t think I have a head for programming and have felt out of my depth when trying to teach myself. But this was the friendliest, most welcoming course I could’ve hoped for: not at all intimidating.
By the end I really felt I’d achieved something, and not just a basic working knowledge of the three languages, but the beginnings of a proper conceptual understanding of computer programming as a whole.”
~ Kate Roberts, user experience designer
Who’s it for?
Perhaps you’re a designer, wanting to understand the impact of your designs and speak to clients with confidence.
Or a project manager, keen to demystify the tech being used in your products.
Maybe you’re the boss, and want to understand how your web developers think or improve the code competency of your team.
Or a teacher, wanting confidence with IT in the classroom.
Or do you run your own projects and want to be able to roll your own websites?
Or you might be taking the very first step of a bold new career…
By the end of the day, you’ll have learned to write the basics of the languages that run every website, page and application on the Web:
HTML is the language that describes the content on a web page,
CSS adds styling to the content, such as colours, text size and layout, and
JavaScript is used to make the content interactive.
In good hands
Hosted and taught by Tom Parslow, Pete Goodman and Premasagar Rose — all Brighton-based professional web developers and teachers of Web technology.
☞ Read more and buy tickets