Summer Events at L4RP

Beautiful Beach

We’ve got some exciting events coming up at the Lab for the Recently Possible – a project we’ve been forging over the last few months.

L4RP is a space to learn, experiment, collaborate and incubate projects at the edges of technology, social movements, art and culture. We’re one hour from London, in Brighton & Hove.


Tue 24th – Coding For Humans: ‘Learn to Code’ workshop
Fri 27th – Data Visualisation Lab Day


Sat 4th – #GameLabBrighton
Fri 10th – Data Visualisation Lab Day
Fri 24th – Data Visualisation Lab Day

☞ Coding For Humans: ‘Learn to Code’

Tue 24th July, 9am-5pm

Whether you have an interest to work in web development or are just a curious bystander of the Web, then here is a chance to spread your wings and learn to code a little. In a single day. Even if you’ve never written or seen a line of code before.

It’s a low-cost one-day workshop for absolute beginners. We’ll get you started using the web technologies HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We have a few tickets left, so sign up now if it grabs you.

☞ Data Visualisation Lab Days

Fridays 27 July, 10 Aug & 24 Aug 2012, 10am-6pm. Free entry.

Data visualisations (‘data viz’) are graphics used to represent information. They allow an exploration and understanding of data that would be impossible to achieve with just a table full of numbers.

We are hosting a series of three free ‘Lab Days’, bringing together a collaboration of diverse minds, to learn, research and produce potent data visualisations and infographics of real world data. Designers, developers, maths geeks, journalists, civil servants and activists – all welcome.

☞ #GameLabBrighton

Sat 4th August, 10am-6pm. Free entry.

Bringing together developers, designers and artists into one space and encouraging them to work together to create games and push technical boundaries. Come if you’re an expert or a total beginner.

See also our Async event “The State of HTML5 Games” with Mozilla‘s Rob Hawkes on Thurs 26th July.

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