Author Archives: Premasagar

Our Workshops & Hack Nights for the Brighton Digital Festival

Creative With Money Thurs 5th September Money is a mirror that takes whatever we project on it. We all have our own stories about what money is like, and these usually reflect our self-beliefs. In this half-day workshop, we’ll explore how to change our relationship with money and work with it more creatively. Taught […]

Learning to Code

We had a beautiful Coding For Humans day at the Lab for the Recently Possible last week. Ten people came for the day to learn how to create websites and web apps, with little or no experience beforehand. Amongst them were designers, writers, an event manager, animator, PR freelancer and geographical mapping expert. And boy […]

Lab for the Recently Possible: now in Brighton’s North Laine

The Lab for the Recently Possible is open again, in a beautiful, light and leafy home in Brighton’s North Laine, and we have a whole set of new events starting up. Come along, or tell a friend. In our first four workshops, you can learn to code (in a day), learn JavaScript (from scratch), learn […]

Photos from Bring Your Own Beamer

Bring Your Own Beamer was an event we helped create at this year’s month-long Brighton Digital Festival. BYOB is a global artists’ movement where the idea is simple: find a place, invite artists and ask them to bring projectors for the night. There are no limits to the projections: DIY videos, generative art, anything. Brighton’s […]

The Summer Internship

Over the summer months, we’ve been blessed to have had three incredible interns with us at Dharmafly – two new graduates and one first-going-on-second year student, all from the University of Brighton’s School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics. We’ve been creating new tools and experimental applications in our little future retro spacepod at the Lab […]

DIY Digital Art: Our events at the Brighton Digital Festival

The Brighton Digital Festival returns this September, and there’s a hugely impressive range of events. We’re offering a few events into the mix, all of which revolve around DIY digital art and film.

Learn to code, at “Coding For Humans”

We’ve started teaching workshops on coding for the web. Our current course is aimed at beginners (there’ll be intermediate and advanced workshops in future). It’s for people who use the web, but want to get under its skin and learn what it takes to create simple websites and web applications.

Summer Events at L4RP

We’ve got some exciting events coming up at the Lab for the Recently Possible – a project we’ve been forging over the last few months.

2012 and All That

This year has felt downright seminal since it started. Against the backdrop of a Mayan prophecy for the new social cycle, the Arab Spring, Occupy, the (sometimes unmentionable) triumphant Olympic Games and the ensuing breakdown of the Eurozone and who knows what else… things are also changing for us, albeit in significantly less dramatic ways.

Bitnotes #2

Some bitnotes of these times… The JavaScript Jungle As part of the Brighton Digital Festival, we organised two “hack nights” at our ‘Async’ JavaScript meetup group. Async is an open community of JavaScript enthusiasts, with sessions twice a month at The Skiff in Brighton.