The Brighton Digital Festival returns this September, and there’s a hugely impressive range of events. We’re offering a few events into the mix, all of which revolve around DIY digital art and film.
Tue 4th – Bring Your Own Beamer – Lab Day, at L4RP
Tue 11th – Bring Your Own Beamer – Lab Day, at L4RP
Thu 13th – One Canvas hack night – pt1, at Async
Sun 16th – Bring Your Own Beamer, at Brighton Dome
Tue 18th – Coding For Humans ~ Learn to Code, at L4RP
Thu 27th – One Canvas hack night – pt2, at Async
☞ Bring Your Own Beamer
Tuesdays 4th & 11th Sept, 2-7pm at L4RP
Sun 16th at Brighton Dome
Bring Your Own Beamer (BYOB) is a one night exhibition for artists and their projectors; a riot of light, colour, sound and movement. The idea is simple: find a place, invite artists, ask them to bring projectors. There are no limits to the projections: DIY videos, generative art, anything.
On 16th Sept, a BYOB night will be held inside the warren of underground tunnels and chorus rooms beneath the Brighton Dome, as well as the Concert Hall (organised by somewhereto_ and Pop-up Brighton). In preparation, we’re holding two ‘Lab Days’ at L4RP to get together with other artists and makers to edit video montages, create computer art and let the imagination fly.
☞ One Canvas hack nights
Thursdays 13th & 27th Sept, 7.15pm at The Skiff
Sun 16th at Brighton Dome
Following on from the blistering success of Async’s “JavaScript Jungle” (write-up) at last year’s Brighton Digital Festival, we’ll be running another pair of “Hack Nights” this year, called “One Canvas” on the 13th and 27th September.
We’ll set up an infinitely scrollable and zoomable web page, where anyone can contribute a piece of digital art. Think generative computer graphics, tiny games, data-powered visualisations or anything interactive.
This is a fun, relaxed, no-experience-necessary event to learn and play with new technologies in the web browser, hook up with other local artists, designers and developers, and get together to make something beautiful and unique. We need artists and designers as much as JavaScript and other developers, so come along to either or both sessions, whoever you are. We’ll put the whole anarchic burst of colour live when we’re done.
☞ Coding For Humans: ‘Learn to Code’
Tue 18th Sept, 9am-5pm at L4RP
Whether you have an interest to work in web development or are just a curious bystander of the Web, then here is a chance to spread your wings and learn to code a little. In a single day. Even if you’ve never written or seen a line of code before.
It’s a low-cost one-day workshop for absolute beginners. We’ll get you started using the web technologies HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We have a few tickets left.