UnLtdWorld Launch


We were happy to have attended Tuesday’s launch of UnLtdWorld, a social networking site for social entrepreneurs.

UnLtdWorld brings together people and businesses who make a difference in the world and connects them with potential co-workers and supporters. It aims to be a hot-bed for collaboration, the sharing of services and the pooling of resources.

At the core of the UnLtdWorld site is the social networking software Elgg – an open source platform that attempts to remain flexible and unassuming within the differing needs of social networking projects.

There is also an initiative to build a comprehensive API into the UnLtdWorld data, which will allow third-party developers to access information about social entrepreneurs and their services. This data could be combined with other kinds of data, for example, to marry the needs of a local community with UnLtdWorld members that may be able to assist.

You can find me, Madhava and Dharmafly on the UnLtdWorld site. Come and say hi…

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One Trackback

  1. By raid on March 7, 2008 at 11:03 am

    Die meistbefahrene künstliche Wasserstraße der Welt führt von der Elbe bei Brunsbüttel bis zur Kieler Förde bei Holtenau…