Monthly Archives: November 2007

Yoga and the Social Graph

Yoga and the Social Graph

We gave a 30 minute session at BarCamp London called "Yoga and the Social Graph: from smoke-signals to self-realisation"…

We discussed the ever-increasing trend for expansion and connection within society. This is now stronger than ever with the progress from the (a network of interconnected computers), to the (a network of interconnected documents), to the (or more simply, ‘Social Network‘, a network of interconnected social relationships).

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Just Different

Just Different & Dharmafly

We’ve been doing some exciting work with Just Different, a UK charity who promote disability awareness and .

Introducing Just Different

Founded by Toby Hewson, a young man with , Just Different focus on educating the future leaders of our society. They provide in-school workshops on disability and difference, along with recruitment opportunities for young disabled people. They also act as disability advisers to teachers, parents and organisations.

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BBC Bangladesh River Journey

BBC World Service: Bangladesh River Journey (screenshot)


Phew! We’ve been busy these last three weeks! From commission to launch in just 12 working days (and nights), Dharmafly has built a site for the BBC that explores social media and cutting edge Web technologies…

The is a mashup of posts from a BBC World Service trip to track the effects of climate change in Bangladesh. The trip lasts a month, with photos being posted to Flickr, messages sent to Twitter and journal entries made on the site. The mashup puts all these posts on to a map, letting you navigate around and follow the trip.

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