Monthly Archives: November 2012

Photos from Bring Your Own Beamer


Bring Your Own Beamer was an event we helped create at this year’s month-long Brighton Digital Festival.

BYOB is a global artists’ movement where the idea is simple: find a place, invite artists and ask them to bring projectors for the night. There are no limits to the projections: DIY videos, generative art, anything.

Brighton’s BYOB was held inside the warren of underground tunnels and chorus rooms beneath the Brighton Dome, as well as the Concert Hall. It was organised by somewhereto_ and Pop-up Brighton, with Dharmafly holding sessions at the Lab for the artists and makers to edit video montages, create computer art and collaborate with each other. The event attracted around 250 people and was extremely well received.

Some photos from Bring Your Own Beamer are up on Flickr.