Monthly Archives: July 2011

Winning app for the HP TouchPad

HP webOS TouchPad app


I went along with Andrea and Sym to The Guardian to join a hack day for HP’s new TouchPad tablet – an interesting alternative to the iPad that uses web standard technologies for creating native mobile applications.

We won the competition(!) with a prototype app for exploring live web content, such as news, reviews and photos, about any place on earth. (See all the projects from the event).

The app we produced is part magazine, part feed reader and lets you swipe and slide the magazine in any direction to shift the geographical location that the magazine’s content represents.
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Bitnotes #1

draw your camera : Kyocera SL400R

A few little bite size updates of what we’ve been up to.
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A web app for tiny tasks and a crowd of volunteers



People like to help out with a good cause, but it can be difficult to find the time. What if, through the Web, we could gather enough people and bring them together to achieve something great?

At Dharmafly, we’ve been hard at work creating an open source tool called “Tasket“, which we hope will do just that. It’s a visually immersive web app, riffing off some of our data visualisation work, that engages volunteers in performing tiny tasks for a cause.

Essentially, it’s a “micro-volunteering” task management tool that lets people create tasks that need doing. Anyone can claim those tasks and Tasket helps everyone track the progress of the community. Read More »