Monthly Archives: August 2010

What makes a UK Online centre?

UK online centres: Target Audience


We previously blogged about helping to create a prototype SMS text message service for the Government’s UK Online Centres. The centres help people get online for the first time, and are a key part of the government’s strategy for Digital Engagement.

We also worked on a handful of data visualisations to highlight the hidden aspects of the centres. Read More »

Digital inclusion goes mobile

bird learns to use phone


There are 61 million people in the UK and 10 million of them have never used the Web.
How would you help someone to get online for the first time?

The job of the Government’s UK Online Centres is to help bridge the digital divide, by providing places with free public Internet and hands-on assistance. We recently helped them to explore a new web strategy, as part of a prototyping session at Google London, which was Read More »